The RESTART research and development program  funded by the European Union – NextGenerationEU as part of the NRRP – M4C2, Investment 1.3, Call n. 341 of 15.03.2022 of the Ministry of University and Research (MUR)  involves the implementation of Cascade Calls for more than 32.4 million euros to support Fundamental ResearchIndustrial ResearchExperimental Development and Feasibility Studies projects through the provision of appropriate funding.

The aim is to reach public and private entities, outside the RESTART Partnership, that are strongly interested in introducing significant innovations in relation to products, processes or services.

The breadth of these cascading funding actions will enable the involvement of a large group of actors outside the Partnership:

  • Public or private Research Organizations
  • Start-up e Spin-off
  • Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises
  • Large Enterprises

Cascade Calls emanated from all the Spokes are published on this page


Coordinator: Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna
Further information:
The themes of the project proposals must include the development of future generation wireless networks (5G/6G) both in the industrial and digital transition fields.

Target audience: Those eligible to submit project proposals - Proponents, in response to this notice, either individually or collaboratively, through the establishment of partnerships, are: a) Innovative Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs), pursuant to art. 4 of Law Decree 24 3/2015, converted with amendments by Law 24 March 2015, no. 33; b) Innovative Startups pursuant to art. 25 of Law Decree 179/2012 converted with amendments by Law 17 December 2012, no. 221

Profile sought: Funding is available for projects of: I) fundamental research; II) industrial research; III) experimental development. Collaborative projects can be submitted by a maximum of 3 independent eligible entities.

Deadline: 15 November 2024

Coordinator: Università degli Studi di Roma Tor Vergata
Referent: Luca Chiaraviglio – luca.chiaraviglio at
Further information:
Project proposals may be submitted from 10 a.m. on 15 October 2024 until 10 a.m. on 15 November 2024.


Leader: Politecnico di Bari

More information: (at the bottom of the linked page)
    • Avviso n.2 - Bando a cascata per il progetto RESTART
      • Call
      • Approvazione Atti Avviso n.2 DR 1311
      • Decreto Rettorale DR 427
        • Design and study of advanced techniques and methodologies for integrated terrestrial/non-terrestrial networks

        the project proposal with acronym INFINITE was selected. Below is the composition of the forming partnership:
        • Università̀ degli Studi di Trento (leader)
        • Università̀ degli Studi di Trieste
        • Università̀ degli Studi di Parma
        • Università̀ degli Studi di Genova
        • Università̀ degli Studi di Cassino e del Lazio Meridionale 
        • PICOSATS S.r.l.
    • Avviso n.3 - Bando a cascata per il progetto RESTART
      • Call
      • Approvazione Atti Avviso n.3 DR 1312
      • Decreto Rettorale DR 428

        • Impact of future networks and services on regulation, equity/neutrality, experimental facilities, and user perceptions of technology

        the project proposal with acronym REFERENCES was selected. Below is the composition of the forming partnership:
        • Università degli Studi di Torino (leader)
        • Università degli Studi di Genova
        • Università degli Studi di Milano
        • Università̀ degli Studi di Palermo
        • Università̀ degli Studi di Suor Orsola Benincasa
        • MUV S.r.l.
        • Revelis S.r.l.
        • skopìa S.r.l. 
  • Avviso n.4 - Bando a cascata per il progetto RESTART
    • Call
    • Approvazione Atti Avviso n.4 DR 1313
    • Decreto Rettorale DR 429

      • Graphene-based measurements, models and simulations of THz communications

      the project proposal with acronym TWIN-MODEL was selected. Below is the composition of the forming partnership:
      • Università degli Studi dell’Aquila (leader)
      • Università degli Studi di Salerno

Coordinator: Politecnico di Bari 

Further information
Beneficiaries: are start-ups and/or spin-offs and/or innovative SMEs, including those originating from a Research Group or an individual, individually or in partnership, provided that they were established by the project start date. The following entities may only participate in partnership with one or more start-ups, spin-offs or innovative SMEs: Research Organisations (RPOs) outside the RESTART partnership, as defined pursuant to point 1. 3 letter (ff) of the new RDI Framework set out in Communication C (2022) 7388 of 19 October 2022, both public and private, having their registered office and operational unit or laboratory on the national territory, and which are not RESTART Programme members or affiliates, may participate Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs), external to the RESTART Partnership, having the size parameters set out in Annex I of the Commission REG (EC) no. 800/2008 of 6 August 2008 (General Block Exemption Regulation) in OJEU L 214 of 9.8.2008; Large Enterprises (SMEs), outside the RESTART partnership.

Deadline: Proponents are required to submit their applications by 09 October 2024. Beneficiaries: The entities eligible to submit project proposals in response to this notice individually or in partnership (i.e. Proponents) are Incubators, both public and private, registered with the chambers of commerce in the special section of certified incubator status referred to in the following link, which have as their primary purpose the enhancement of the role and activities of new innovative enterprises and support their growth, outside the RESTART Partnership.

Deadline: Proponents are required to submit their applications by 09 October 2024.

Leader: Università di Catania
Spoke Coordinator: Sergio Palazzo - sergio.palazzo at

More information:


Leader: Università di Napoli Federico II More information:

Leader: Università degli Studi di Roma Tor Vergata
Spoke Coordinator: Luca Chiaraviglio – luca.chiaraviglio at

More information:

  • Call
  • Outcome selection notice  

    Thanks to the Spoke 8 – Intelligent and Autonomous Systems cascade call for public and private entities, the University of Rome Tor Vergata has awarded 3.6 million in funding to the SPRINT project proposal, that includes 10 national universities and 7 companies.

    SPRINT partners:
    • Università degli Studi di Salerno
    • Università degli Studi di Brescia
    • Università di Genova
    • Università degli Studi dell’Aquila
    • Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca
    • Università degli Studi di Palermo
    • Università degli Studi di Perugia
    • Università di Pisa
    • Università di Siena
    • Università di Trento
    • Anritsu
    • Fastweb
    • Logogramma
    • Maticmind
    • Nextworks
    • Sensor-ID
    • Unidata