RESTART is a comprehensive program, that aggregates and integrates the main stakeholders of the Italian Telecommunications sector, allowing the realisation of specific research projects, with concrete and measurable results, to be jointly carried out by universities, research centres, companies and public administrations, in an overall framework that provides a long-term vision, transversal and supporting actions and adequate tools and enablers. RESTART promotes and enables Telecommunications science and technologies advancement, including all kind of related systems and networks, for both human and non-human users (e.g. 5G/6G; high-capacity fixed infrastructures, IoT, edge/core-cloud); applications and services in the most diverse sectors: agriculture, commerce, energy, finance, industry, media, health, safety/security, transportation.

RESTART is organized in a Hub and Spokes structure, where the Hub manages and coordinates the Spokes that carry out the activities to achieve the project goals. There are 8 spokes related to eight major scientific themes. Whole organization will collaborate on the implementation of 32 research projects.