MISSION 6 – PhD programs

The PhD mission is a crucial mission for every PNRR action, the terminology of which within the Union European, not surprisingly, explicitly refers to the Next Generation EU.

The PhD mission guides young graduates to undertake a career based on innovation in the themes considered by the Partnership, in this case in the broad sense of Telecommunications, including all disciplines connected to telecommunications and which are typical of Information Engineering and beyond.

In this sense the “products” of the PhD missions are destined to last for the entire working life of the young people who will be recruited, imagining, in light of the recent data available, that without this type of Partnership very few of them would have chosen or had the possibility of choosing a path oriented towards telecommunications.

The PhD mission is therefore divided into 4 fundamental actions: Recruitment, Cohesion in Research, Shared training, target perspectives.

This is the characteristic action of the initial phase. The best possible recruitment is the best premise for the selection of the future class of individuals dedicated to innovation in the future of Telecommunications.

To improve the class of doctoral students, it was decided not to immediately announce all the positions foreseen in RESTART. This is also because many positions had been banned in the XXXVIII cycle both in ordinary hiring and in hiring linked to other measures of the PNRR such as those envisaged for the year 2022 by DDMMs 351 and 352.

Since the PhD positions all last three years, the postponement of the PhD recruitment required strong co-financing support from the Universities linked to the 10 months of the XXXIX cycle that exceed the deadline for completing the RESTART.

The recruitment action is currently incomplete and, especially in the South, needs to be carefully verified with the results of the selections scheduled for the XXXIX cycle. This action must take into account the possibility of new registration provided for by DDMM 117 and 118 of 2023 and 629 and 630 of 2024. The joint use of PE and Ministerial Decree 117 is presented in Ministerial Decree 117, but did not appear feasible for the PE. These points are currently being studied in some CRUI round tables in which the PhD Mission responsible for RESTART regularly participates.
This action was launched by framing all PhD students in the structural and focused research projects envisaged by RESTART.
The action proceeds regularly with doctoral students already enrolled.
This action is being implemented. It will have complete development after the selection of the XXXIX cycle when the team of PhD students will be complete. This action is arranged via two interventions on compact Doctoral Schools, that last from 2 to 5 days.
  • The first intervention concerns the support to Doctoral Schools with a long tradition in the field of Telecommunications and related subjects. In the support, actions are planned for the dissemination of information to doctoral students and actions to organize their participation.
  • The second intervention concerns the organization of completely innovative doctoral schools. The titles of RESTART's Structural Projects are adopted as starting titles for the Schools. The organization of the Schools is entrusted to the Spoke that hosts the original Structural Project.
Subsequently, schools will also be organized or supported that deal with the themes of transversal skills, also benefiting from the results that emerged from the analysis of training needs that the Training mission has started.


DashBoard: DoctorAl ScHools BOARD

DashCam: DoctorAl ScHools Cumulative ArrangeMent tool


This is the action that will mainly characterize the final phase of the program. In this phase, a clear path must emerge for each PhD student that directs him to a research or innovation perspective especially in the direction of firms, including the possibility of being part of start-ups or spinoffs. This action will have to be conducted with particular attention to the south.
The clear perspective of placement in the company is a fundamental element for the success of the M4C2 mission and requires a particular commitment of the firm component in RESTART.
The enrolment of PhD students linked to the XL cycle is in the process of starting. However, it is highly likely that some PhD students interested in RESTART may opt for other funding actions (academic grants, DDMM 629 630) for their PhD cycle. The final data will be evaluated in November with the completion of the recruitment of doctoral students.

Cohesion in research
This action was launched by placing all PhD students in the structural and targeted research projects envisaged by RESTART. The action proceeds regularly with the PhD students already enrolled.

Shared training
This action is being implemented. It will have a complete development after the selection of the XL cycle, when the team of PhD students will be complete. A new action based on the direct involvement of enterprises in RESTART has been proposed. It has been included in a new framework of actions that will be called LIFE (Learning Improved by Firms Experience). The action is made up of events. Each event will be based on a theme proposed by one of RESTART's companies. It will last about 2 hours and will be organized in collaboration with companies.
  1. 1 hour - A lecture
  2. 15 minutes - Presentation of a company
  3. 15 minutes - short presentations (5 minutes each) of PhDs in RESTART
  4. 30 minutes - Round table on the topic

Destination perspectives
This is the main action that will characterise the final phase of the programme.