RESTART Mission1 covers research activities, that are organized according to a definite overall structure and well-identified general aims, by envisaging two kinds of research projects: structural projects and focused projects.

Structural projects define the program, they are the backbone of the partnership and give a structure to the overall research work. Each structural project allows a significant number of partners to cooperate, integrating the results of a rather large research area.

Focused projects are smaller endeavours, with fewer researchers and partners; they complete the structural projects towards more specific directions and can be of two main different types: industrial and theoretical; the former category considers specific requirements and needs coming from industrial partners or targeting a definite application scenario; theoretical projects focus on long-term research frontiers of special interest.

Focused projects can also be of a third type: blue-sky research, not necessarily referred to one or more structural projects.

The project has produced so far [M01-M09]:
  • 171 scientific papers between conference and journal;
  • 38/150 Joint publications by RESTART (25.3%) [Target 30% average (KPI 2.2)]
  • 69 Journal papers (out of which 49 in Q1) [Target 60 in Q1 per year (KPI 2.1)]
  • 102 Conference papers [Target 90 per year (KPI 2.1)]
  • 17 seminars [Target 10 per year (KPI 7.1)]
  • 3 dissemination workshops [Target 1 per year (KPI 7.1)]
  • 40 Keynote speeches and Invited Talks
  • 43.895 visits to the project website [Target 10.000 per year (KPI 7.1)]
  • 880 followers on LinkedIn [Target 1000 per year (KPI 7.1)]
  • 4 Press releases [Target 3 per year (KPI 7.1)]
  • 95 Publications in media [Target 5 per year (KPI 7.1)]
  • 1 Participation to trade fair [Target 2 per year (KPI 7.2)]
  • 1 RESTART conference (RESTART Plenary Dissemination Workshop – Bari July 20-21, 2023) [Target 1 per year (KPI 7.1)]
  • 1 Patent [Target 20 at the end of the project (KPI 3.3)]
  • 2 videos published on RESTART website and 1 under preparation [Target 3 per year (KPI 7.1)]
  • 5 Open-source products
  • 1 white paper
  • 4 posters (3 general public, 1 scientific)
  • 1 Exploitation Workshop (scheduled between the end of November and the beginning of December) [Target 1 per year (KPI 7.1)]
  • 1 Open Day [Target 1 per year (KPI 7.1)]
  • 0 External partners showing interest per year [Target 20 per year (KPI 7.2)] Cascade Calls are currently being published, therefore, an increase in partners is expected over the next few months
  • 0 Proposed standards contributions [Target 6 (KPI 6.1)]
  • 2 Free and Open Source (FOS) communities involved with RESTART [Target 3 (KPI 6.2)]