COHERENT aims to:
- Introduce an architectural framework capable of supporting key value indicators (KVIs) beyond traditional key performance indicators (KPI)s.
- Develope an open architecture based on the use of Digital Twins able to integrate any innovation into a holistic framework that is coherent from both a technical and a business point of view.
- Support simple and scalable monitoring, optimization, and management framework for networks spanning over heterogeneous communication segments.
COHERENT is part of Spoke 6 – Innovative Architectures and Extreme Environments
Project PIs: Antonio Iera / Giacomo Morabito
- Setup of the project: definition of leaderships, working teams, and project procedures;
- Identification of the use cases and discussion regarding the corresponding Key Performance and Key Value Indicators, i.e., KPIs and KVIs;
- Discussion on the operations performed by an Intent Based Network to support KVIs;
- Intense discussion regarding the scope of the Digital Twins and their metamodel;
- Definition of the main interactions between the Digital Twin and the orchestration and optimization framework;
- Definition of the Value of Service (VoS) concept which extends the Quality of Service concept to consider KVIs besides KPIs;
- Deep discussions have been carried out regarding the way in which orchestration should take place in an Intent Based Network by considering the interfaces that such types of networks offer;
- Analysis of the most relevant standardization activities;
- Preparation of a project “Impact creation plan”;
- Contribute to RESTART communication mission.
- Introduction and development of the Value of Service (VoS) concept which extends the Quality of Service (QoS) and Quality of Experience (QoE) concepts to contribute to the sustainability goals.
- Introduction of the EthicNet concept, which is a new type of network which is ethics-aware.
The idea has been presented in a joint paper which appeared in IEEE Communication Magazine.
- Definition of the Coherent architecture.
- One talk given and one keynote to be given, one IEEE PIMRC 2024 workshop organized.
L. Atzori, C. Campolo, A. Iera and G. Morabito, "Toward the EthicNet: Challenges and Enablers for Ethics-Aware Networks," in IEEE Communications Magazine, vol. 61, no. 11, pp. 192-198, November 2023, doi: 10.1109/MCOM.004.2300110
Laura Carnevali, Marco Paolieri, Riccardo Reali, and Enrico Vicario. 2023. Compositional Safe Approximation of Response Time Probability Density Function of Complex Workflows. ACM Trans. Model. Comput. Simul. 33, 4, Article 16 (October 2023), 26 pages. https://doi.org/10.1145/3591205
M. Becattini, G. Fontani, L. Paroli, A. Iera, Digital Twin Networks for Sustainable In-network Computing in Future 6G Networks, accepted at EEE PIMRC'24, 2–5 September 2024, Valencia, Spain
The Coherent project is based on the concept of the Digital Twin Network (DTN), which has been recognized as crucial by all the industrial partners who pushed to dedicate one of the RESTART Grand Challenges to this topic.
Consequently, the industrial partners are providing the guidelines for the use of the DTN that Coherent is developing for future 6G systems.
Program partners:
Cascade calls partners:
- Introduction and development of the Value of Service (VoS) concept which extends the Quality of Service (QoS) and Quality of Experience (QoE) concepts to contribute to the UN sustainability goals set in 2030 Agenda.
- Introduction of the EthicNet concept, which is a new type of network which is ethics-aware.
- Expected: 12
- Accomplished: 24
- Readiness level: >100%
Joint publications:
- Expected: 5
- Accomplished: 3
- Readiness level: 90%
- Expected: 3
- Accomplished: 5
- Readiness level: >100%
Demos/proof of concepts:
- Expected: 2
- Accomplished: 0
- Readiness level: 0
- M1 - COHERENT contribution to RESTART web portal and media setup: 100%
- M2 - Impact creation plan: 100%
- M3 - Use cases and requirements definition: 100%
- M4 - COHERENT architecture (first draft): 100%
- M5 - Proof of concept realization and assessment (first iteration): 100%
- M6 - Federation and SLA management: 70%
- M7 - Orchestration and optimization algorithms and tools: 70%
- M8 - COHERENT architecture: 100%
- M9 - Proof of concept realization and assessment (second iteration): 0%
Researchers involved: 144 person-month
Collaboration proposals
COHERENT is looking for stakeholders interested in:
- Participating in the discussion regarding the development of the Value of Service concept in support of Key Value Indicators (KVI) for a new class of sustainable networks.
- Proposing and participating in the realization of relevant proof of concepts.
- Creating and contributing to a heterogeneous community in support of ethics-aware technology.
For any proposal of collaboration within the project please contact project PIs.