MISSION 2 – Laboratories, Proofs of Concept and Demonstrators

RESTART Mission 2 aims at:

  1. showcasing the results of the research projects;
  2. incentivizing technological transfer;
  3. fostering research beyond the scope of the project at a national level;

[Update at M18]
A new strategy for laboratory dissemination have been defined, including three different levels of Laboratory descriptions for addressing different kind of audience, as in the following:

    • A technical data base with the fundamental lab features and references in a Tab form. This database has been already shared with RESTART partners (Accademy and Industry)
    • 4/5 scientific slides for each Lab for an expert audience. These slides under preparation and they will be shared on the website soon.
    • One generic slide of each Lab for a generic audience. These slides have been already prepared and they will be shared on the website soon.
  • The Gantt diagram template has been created for better monitoring the laboratories advances and the Gannt diagram of each laboratory has been updated based on the created template.
  • All the spoke laboratories are in the phase of equipment purchasing and development of the laboratories.
  • All Laboratories created their own Logo following the RESTART template.
[at M15]
  • All the spoke laboratories are in the phase of equipment purchasing and development of the laboratories.
  • A new strategy for laboratory dissemination have been defined, including three different levels of Laboratory descriptions for addressing different kind of audience, as in the following:
    • A technical data base with the fundamental lab features and references in a Tab form. This database has been already shared with RESTART partners (Accademy and Industry)
    • 4/5 scientific slides for each Lab for an expert audience. These slides under preparation and they will be shared on the website soon.
    • One generic slide of each Lab for a generic audience. These slides have been already prepared and they will be shared on the website soon
[M1-M10] A database has been created describing all the main features (mission, available equipment/licenses and test-beds, main applications/technologies, expected date of partial and full operativity, etc...) of all the new, upgraded and affiliated RESTART laboratories. It has been shared with all the RESTART partners for creating an interest map.
  1. A list of all equipment to be purchased has been created. Joint meeting between RESTART Laboratories and big suppliers have been organized. (i.e. Anritsu Keysight). The equipment purchase process has been started and it is now in progress.
  2. First dissemination actions have been taken: presentation to GARR conference and contribution for Selected Papers proceedings
  3. Affiliation to RESTART of two external laboratories in order to extend the RESTART infrastructure capability and offer:
    • PHOTONIC DEVICES LAB of Politecnico of Milan
    • POLIFAB of Politecnico of Milan
  • Number of PoCs across all RESTART projects:
    Expected: ≥20
    Achieved: ≥ 7
  • Number of breadboards and prototypes across all RESTART projects, including a beyond-5G toolbox:
    Expected: ≥15
    Achieved: ≥ 2
  • Number of available datasets:
    Expected: ≥15
    Achieved: ≥ 1
  • Collaborations with other RI initiatives:
    Expected: ≥3
    Achieved: ≥ 4