MISSION 7 – Communication, Standardization and Open-Source Solutions
RESTART Program has a Mission completely dedicated to ensuring that the scientific and technical results of the project along with the experimental evidence are both disseminated and exploited by the international scientific community and communicated to the general public and society in terms of concrete impact: Mission 7.
The Foundation intends to promote its activities and communicate transparently and effectively to its stakeholders, collaborators and Partners in order to raise awareness and engage the community on issues of concern of the Partnership.
RESTART has produced so far [M1-M18]:
- Scientific papers (conference and journal): 546
Year 1 [M1-M12]: 248
Year 2 [M13-M18]: 298
- Joint publications by RESTART partners [Target 30% average (KPI 2.2)]: 166
Year 1 [M1-M12]: 51
Year 2 [M13-M18]: 115
Readiness level at M18*:
*The readiness level (RL) is a percentage calculated from the current value compared with the value expected at M15 of the target defined in the RESTART proposal.
[RL = value at M18 * 100 / target at M18]
- Journal papers (out of which 120 in Q1) [Target 60 in Q1 per year (KPI 2.1)]: 234
Year 1 [M1-M12]: 111
Year 2 [M13-M18]: 123
Readiness level at M18*:
*The readiness level (RL) is a percentage calculated from the current value compared with the value expected at M15 of the target defined in the RESTART proposal.
[RL = value at M18 * 100 / target at M18]
- Conference papers [Target 90 per year (KPI 2.1)]: 272
Year 1 [M1-M12]: 137
Year 2 [M13-M18]: 135
Readiness level at M18*:
*The readiness level (RL) is a percentage calculated from the current value compared with the value expected at M15 of the target defined in the RESTART proposal.
[RL = value at M18 * 100 / target at M18]
- Seminars [Target 10 per year (KPI 7.1)]: 33
Year 1
[M1-M12]: 18
Year 2 [M13-M15]: 15
Readiness level at M18*:
*The readiness level (RL) is a percentage calculated from the current value compared with the value expected at M15 of the target defined in the RESTART proposal.
[RL = value at M18 * 100 / target at M18]
- Dissemination workshops [Target 1 per year (KPI 7.1)]: 12
Year 1 [M1-M12]: 7
Year 2 [M13-M18]: 5
Readiness level at M18*:
*The readiness level (RL) is a percentage calculated from the current value compared with the value expected at M15 of the target defined in the RESTART proposal.
[RL = value at M18 * 100 / target at M18]
- Workshop organization: 8
Year 1 [M1-M12]: N.A.
Year 2 [M13-M18]: 8
- Keynote speeches and Invited Talks: 79
Year 1 [M1-M12]: 55
Year 2 [M13-M18]: 24
- Visits to the project website [Target 10.000 per year (KPI 7.1)]: 162.060
Year 1 [M1-M12]: 76.943
Year 2 [M13-M18]: 85.117
Readiness level at M18*:
*The readiness level (RL) is a percentage calculated from the current value compared with the value expected at M15 of the target defined in the RESTART proposal.
[RL = value at M18 * 100 / target at M18]
- Followers on LinkedIn [Target 1000 per year (KPI 7.1)]: 1.505
Year 1 [M1-M12]: 1.002
Year 2 [M13-M18]: 503
Readiness level at M18*:
*The readiness level (RL) is a percentage calculated from the current value compared with the value expected at M15 of the target defined in the RESTART proposal.
[RL = value at M18 * 100 / target at M18]
- Press releases [Target 3 per year (KPI 7.1)]: 5
Year 1 [M1-M12]: 2
Year 2 [M13-M18]: 3
Readiness level at M18*:
*The readiness level (RL) is a percentage calculated from the current value compared with the value expected at M15 of the target defined in the RESTART proposal.
[RL = value at M18 * 100 / target at M18]
- Publications in media [Target 5 per year (KPI 7.1)]: 136
Year 1 [M1-M12]: 118
Year 2 [M13-M18]: 18
Readiness level at M18*:
*The readiness level (RL) is a percentage calculated from the current value compared with the value expected at M15 of the target defined in the RESTART proposal.
[RL = value at M18 * 100 / target at M18]
- Participation to trade fair [Target 2 per year (KPI 7.2)]: 3
Year 1 [M1-M12]: 1
Year 2 [M13-M18]: 2
Readiness level at M18*:
*The readiness level (RL) is a percentage calculated from the current value compared with the value expected at M15 of the target defined in the RESTART proposal.
[RL = value at M18 * 100 / target at M18]
- RESTART conference [Target 1 per year (KPI 7.1)]: 2
Year 1 [M1-M12]: 1
Year 2 [M13-M18]: 1
Readiness level at M18*:
*The readiness level (RL) is a percentage calculated from the current value compared with the value expected at M15 of the target defined in the RESTART proposal.
[RL = value at M18 * 100 / target at M18]
- Patent [Target 20 at the end of the project (KPI 3.3)]: 3
Year 1 [M1-M12]: 1
Year 2 [M13-M18]: 2
Readiness level at M18*: N.A.
*The readiness level (RL) is a percentage calculated from the current value compared with the value expected at M15 of the target defined in the RESTART proposal.
[RL = value at M18 * 100 / target at M18]
- Videos published on RESTART website [Target 3 per year (KPI 7.1)]: 28
Year 1 [M1-M12]: 3
Year 2 [M13-M18]: 25
Readiness level at M18*:
*The readiness level (RL) is a percentage calculated from the current value compared with the value expected at M15 of the target defined in the RESTART proposal.
[RL = value at M18 * 100 / target at M18]
- Open-source products: 14
Year 1 [M1-M12]: 6
Year 2 [M13-M18]: 8
- Posters: 19
Year 1 [M1-M12]: 5
Year 2 [M13-M18]: 14
- Exploitation Workshop [Target 1 per year (KPI 7.1)]: 1
Year 1 [M1-M12]: 0
Year 2 [M13-M18]: 1
Readiness level at M18*:
*The readiness level (RL) is a percentage calculated from the current value compared with the value expected at M15 of the target defined in the RESTART proposal.
[RL = value at M18 * 100 / target at M18]
- Open Day [Target 1 per year (KPI 7.1)]: 1
Year 1 [M1-M12]: 1
Year 2 [M13-M18]: 0
Readiness level at M18*: N.A.
*The readiness level (RL) is a percentage calculated from the current value compared with the value expected at M15 of the target defined in the RESTART proposal.
[RL = value at M18 * 100 / target at M18]
- External partners showing interest per year [Target 20 per year (KPI 7.2)]: 64
**New partners interested in RESTART will come from cascade calls emanated after 01/01/2024, but the selection process has not finished yet
Year 1 [M1-M12]: 40
Year 2 [M13-M18]: 24
Readiness level at M18*:
*The readiness level (RL) is a percentage calculated from the current value compared with the value expected at M15 of the target defined in the RESTART proposal.
[RL = value at M18 * 100 / target at M18]
- Proposed standards contributions [Target 6 (KPI 6.1)]: 2
Year 1 [M1-M12]: 1
Year 2 [M13-M18]: 1
Readiness level at M18*:
*The readiness level (RL) is a percentage calculated from the current value compared with the value expected at M15 of the target defined in the RESTART proposal.
[RL = value at M18 * 100 / target at M18]
- Free and Open Source (FOS) communities involved with RESTART [Target 3 (KPI 6.2)]: 2
Year 1 [M1-M12]: 2
Year 2 [M13-M18]: 0
Readiness level at M18*: N.A.
*The readiness level (RL) is a percentage calculated from the current value compared with the value expected at M15 of the target defined in the RESTART proposal.
[RL = value at M18 * 100 / target at M18]
- Contribution in book: 3
Year 1 [M1-M12]: 0
Year 2 [M13-M18]: 3
- RESTART 2nd Year Communication Plan for web and social media has been periodically updated to incorporate changes and additions resulting from new communication campaigns and activities that have emerged in recent months.
- Mission 7 promoted the activities (e.g. events, initiatives, etc.) organized or conducted by RESTART projects, Missions, partners and Spokes (e.g. a promotional video has been made to show the activities of two projects of Spoke 8).
- Mission 7 has started work for a series of strategic communication initiatives (online and offline), in some cases with the support of external communication agencies in order to achieve the broader strategic objectives that the program aims to achieve such as
- Fostering the dissemination of skills for the benefit of companies in the TLC supply chain;
- Promote enrollment in Telecommunications Engineering Degrees;
- Position Telecommunications as the technology of the future by improving its reputation;
- Enhance academic and industrial research careers in TLC.
To do this, RESTART will put in place activities such as: positioning in digital and print media; social media campaigns to increase enrollment in TLC university courses;
- Support to special contests aimed at high school students; a video campaign to tell the story of researchers in TLC. In this context, Mission 7 is working in synergy with the other six RESTART Missions.
- Open-Source task activities led to the identification of Open-Source communities to target and the production of a Contributions Plan.
- A Memorandum of Understanding was signed by Asstel - Assotelecomunicazioni and the RESTART Foundation which will lead also to a collaboration for common communication activities focused on training a new generation of telecommunications engineers prepared for the fourth industrial revolution.
- RESTART website has been heavily renewed and enriched in content, arriving at the current version that contains, in addition to a descriptive and summarizing homepage, also individual pages dedicated to each scientific project, mission or spoke;
- The web page devoted to Mission 7 is constantly updated with records of Communication & Dissemination, Standardization and Open-Source initiatives;
- A new Private Area on the RESTART web site has been created to facilitate the reporting process of researchers, projects, missions and partners;
- RESTART new cascade call notices and previous cascade call results have been promoted through RESTART media channels (website, social media);
- RESTART website has recently been updated with results and activities for each of the 32 projects (between structural and focused) and 7 Missions;
- 33 news have been published on RESTART website since the beginning of Year 2 and 60 news since the beginning of the project [M1];
- Visits to the website have also increased steadily, with more than 85.000 visits in period M13-M18.
- RESTART general logo guidelines have been defined;
- a RESTART general PowerPoint presentation has been created to be used in dissemination and communication events;
- A promotional institutional video was made, in synergy with an external agency, with the goal of conveying RESTART’s values, vision and missions to a generalized audience.
- Two one-minute interview videos with RESTART young researchers, aimed at the general public, have been produced and will be shared on RESTART website and social media during the first weeks of 2024;
- Two short interview videos with RESTART representatives were made during the 14th Forum Borsa della Ricerca held in Catania;
- a RESTART Communications kit is progressively being updated:
- RESTART logo;
- Logos of the single scientific projects (structural and focused), in 3 different versions (in color, white and b&w);
- Font type provided by MUR;
- MUR guidelines for communication and dissemination;
- Templates for the main communication actions.
Social Media activities
- Mailing lists are currently being used to progressively update RESTART community members on initiatives and internal organization.
- Social networks accounts (Twitter, LinkedIn) have been created, are growing and are constantly being updated with content, with more than 50 posts already published;
- A RESTART Foundation YouTube channel has been created to facilitate video stream and embedding of videos on RESTART website;
- A web and social media campaign has promoted RESTART Grand Challenges from the point of view and through the voices of RESTART young researchers:
- a dedicated web page has been created on RESTART website;
- 19 videos have been published on RESTART website and YouTube channel;
- A social media campaign (LinkedIn, Twitter) has started and is currently ongoing to promote RESTART Projects with 2 posts per week;
- Over 70 social media posts have been published on LinkedIn since the beginning of Year 2.
- The growth of followers on LinkedIn is perfectly in line with the expected target for M24 (total followers ≥ 2.000): in period M13-M18 followers increased by 503 to a total of 1.505.
Meetings & Internal Communication
- RESTART has held 2 Plenary Meetings (July 2023 and January 2024);
- RESTART Structural and Focused Projects have held meetings either online or in-person;
- Mission 7 team is supporting the RESTART Plenary Dissemination Workshop to be held in Catania on July 4th - 5th through the following activities:
- A communication kit for the event is in progress;
- News and posts are promoting the event on RESTART channels.
- During 5G&Co – Everything is connected, the event organized by CNIT on April 16th and 17th, RESTART co-organized the session “5G&Beyond”. Mission 7 promoted the event through media channels (website and social) and collected two video-interviews that have been published on RESTART website and social media.
- RESTART Mission 7 team supported CNIT/WiLab in the organization/communication of the RESTART Plenary Dissemination Workshop held in Bologna on January 30th-31st, 2024:
- Two press releases were issued;
- A communication kit for the event;
- 4 short video-interviews were recorded and published.
- A procedure to facilitate internal communication with new partners coming from RESTART cascade calls was implemented, with specific mailing lists created.
- Mission 7 Communication Team is growing, and new resources joined the team and are now supporting the production of communication initiatives (social, web etc.) as well as monitoring the partners’ contributions.
Grand challenges
- RESTART is currently working on Grand Challenges, led by Professor Antonio Capone, with titles and descriptions already provided.
Cascade Calls
- Cascade Calls have been promoted through RESTART website and social media with dedicated pages, news and posts.
RESTART has produced so far [M1-M18]:
- Scientific papers (conference and journal): 546
Year 1 [M1-M12]: 248
Year 2 [M13-M18]: 298 - Joint publications by RESTART partners [Target 30% average (KPI 2.2)]: 166
Year 1 [M1-M12]: 51
Year 2 [M13-M18]: 115
Readiness level at M18*:
[RL = value at M18 * 100 / target at M18] - Journal papers (out of which 120 in Q1) [Target 60 in Q1 per year (KPI 2.1)]: 234
Year 1 [M1-M12]: 111
Year 2 [M13-M18]: 123
Readiness level at M18*:
[RL = value at M18 * 100 / target at M18] - Conference papers [Target 90 per year (KPI 2.1)]: 272
Year 1 [M1-M12]: 137
Year 2 [M13-M18]: 135
Readiness level at M18*:
[RL = value at M18 * 100 / target at M18] - Seminars [Target 10 per year (KPI 7.1)]: 33
Year 1
[M1-M12]: 18
Year 2 [M13-M15]: 15
Readiness level at M18*:
[RL = value at M18 * 100 / target at M18] - Dissemination workshops [Target 1 per year (KPI 7.1)]: 12
Year 1 [M1-M12]: 7
Year 2 [M13-M18]: 5
Readiness level at M18*:
[RL = value at M18 * 100 / target at M18] - Workshop organization: 8
Year 1 [M1-M12]: N.A.
Year 2 [M13-M18]: 8 - Keynote speeches and Invited Talks: 79
Year 1 [M1-M12]: 55
Year 2 [M13-M18]: 24
- Visits to the project website [Target 10.000 per year (KPI 7.1)]: 162.060
Year 1 [M1-M12]: 76.943
Year 2 [M13-M18]: 85.117
Readiness level at M18*:
[RL = value at M18 * 100 / target at M18] - Followers on LinkedIn [Target 1000 per year (KPI 7.1)]: 1.505
Year 1 [M1-M12]: 1.002
Year 2 [M13-M18]: 503
Readiness level at M18*:
[RL = value at M18 * 100 / target at M18] - Press releases [Target 3 per year (KPI 7.1)]: 5
Year 1 [M1-M12]: 2
Year 2 [M13-M18]: 3
Readiness level at M18*:
[RL = value at M18 * 100 / target at M18] - Publications in media [Target 5 per year (KPI 7.1)]: 136
Year 1 [M1-M12]: 118
Year 2 [M13-M18]: 18
Readiness level at M18*:
[RL = value at M18 * 100 / target at M18] - Participation to trade fair [Target 2 per year (KPI 7.2)]: 3
Year 1 [M1-M12]: 1
Year 2 [M13-M18]: 2
Readiness level at M18*:
[RL = value at M18 * 100 / target at M18] - RESTART conference [Target 1 per year (KPI 7.1)]: 2
Year 1 [M1-M12]: 1
Year 2 [M13-M18]: 1
Readiness level at M18*:
[RL = value at M18 * 100 / target at M18] - Patent [Target 20 at the end of the project (KPI 3.3)]: 3
Year 1 [M1-M12]: 1
Year 2 [M13-M18]: 2
Readiness level at M18*: N.A.
*The readiness level (RL) is a percentage calculated from the current value compared with the value expected at M15 of the target defined in the RESTART proposal.
[RL = value at M18 * 100 / target at M18] - Videos published on RESTART website [Target 3 per year (KPI 7.1)]: 28
Year 1 [M1-M12]: 3
Year 2 [M13-M18]: 25
Readiness level at M18*:
[RL = value at M18 * 100 / target at M18] - Open-source products: 14
Year 1 [M1-M12]: 6
Year 2 [M13-M18]: 8
- Posters: 19
Year 1 [M1-M12]: 5
Year 2 [M13-M18]: 14
- Exploitation Workshop [Target 1 per year (KPI 7.1)]: 1
Year 1 [M1-M12]: 0
Year 2 [M13-M18]: 1
Readiness level at M18*:
[RL = value at M18 * 100 / target at M18] - Open Day [Target 1 per year (KPI 7.1)]: 1
Year 1 [M1-M12]: 1
Year 2 [M13-M18]: 0
Readiness level at M18*: N.A.
*The readiness level (RL) is a percentage calculated from the current value compared with the value expected at M15 of the target defined in the RESTART proposal.
[RL = value at M18 * 100 / target at M18] - External partners showing interest per year [Target 20 per year (KPI 7.2)]: 64
**New partners interested in RESTART will come from cascade calls emanated after 01/01/2024, but the selection process has not finished yet
Year 1 [M1-M12]: 40
Year 2 [M13-M18]: 24
Readiness level at M18*:
[RL = value at M18 * 100 / target at M18] - Proposed standards contributions [Target 6 (KPI 6.1)]: 2
Year 1 [M1-M12]: 1
Year 2 [M13-M18]: 1
Readiness level at M18*:
[RL = value at M18 * 100 / target at M18] - Free and Open Source (FOS) communities involved with RESTART [Target 3 (KPI 6.2)]: 2
Year 1 [M1-M12]: 2
Year 2 [M13-M18]: 0
Readiness level at M18*: N.A.
*The readiness level (RL) is a percentage calculated from the current value compared with the value expected at M15 of the target defined in the RESTART proposal.
[RL = value at M18 * 100 / target at M18] - Contribution in book: 3
Year 1 [M1-M12]: 0
Year 2 [M13-M18]: 3
- RESTART 2nd Year Communication Plan for web and social media has been periodically updated to incorporate changes and additions resulting from new communication campaigns and activities that have emerged in recent months.
- Mission 7 promoted the activities (e.g. events, initiatives, etc.) organized or conducted by RESTART projects, Missions, partners and Spokes (e.g. a promotional video has been made to show the activities of two projects of Spoke 8).
- Mission 7 has started work for a series of strategic communication initiatives (online and offline), in some cases with the support of external communication agencies in order to achieve the broader strategic objectives that the program aims to achieve such as
- Fostering the dissemination of skills for the benefit of companies in the TLC supply chain;
- Promote enrollment in Telecommunications Engineering Degrees;
- Position Telecommunications as the technology of the future by improving its reputation;
- Enhance academic and industrial research careers in TLC. To do this, RESTART will put in place activities such as: positioning in digital and print media; social media campaigns to increase enrollment in TLC university courses;
- Support to special contests aimed at high school students; a video campaign to tell the story of researchers in TLC. In this context, Mission 7 is working in synergy with the other six RESTART Missions.
- Open-Source task activities led to the identification of Open-Source communities to target and the production of a Contributions Plan.
- A Memorandum of Understanding was signed by Asstel - Assotelecomunicazioni and the RESTART Foundation which will lead also to a collaboration for common communication activities focused on training a new generation of telecommunications engineers prepared for the fourth industrial revolution.
- RESTART website has been heavily renewed and enriched in content, arriving at the current version that contains, in addition to a descriptive and summarizing homepage, also individual pages dedicated to each scientific project, mission or spoke;
- The web page devoted to Mission 7 is constantly updated with records of Communication & Dissemination, Standardization and Open-Source initiatives;
- A new Private Area on the RESTART web site has been created to facilitate the reporting process of researchers, projects, missions and partners;
- RESTART new cascade call notices and previous cascade call results have been promoted through RESTART media channels (website, social media);
- RESTART website has recently been updated with results and activities for each of the 32 projects (between structural and focused) and 7 Missions;
- 33 news have been published on RESTART website since the beginning of Year 2 and 60 news since the beginning of the project [M1];
- Visits to the website have also increased steadily, with more than 85.000 visits in period M13-M18.
- RESTART general logo guidelines have been defined;
- a RESTART general PowerPoint presentation has been created to be used in dissemination and communication events;
- A promotional institutional video was made, in synergy with an external agency, with the goal of conveying RESTART’s values, vision and missions to a generalized audience.
- Two one-minute interview videos with RESTART young researchers, aimed at the general public, have been produced and will be shared on RESTART website and social media during the first weeks of 2024;
- Two short interview videos with RESTART representatives were made during the 14th Forum Borsa della Ricerca held in Catania;
- a RESTART Communications kit is progressively being updated:
- RESTART logo;
- Logos of the single scientific projects (structural and focused), in 3 different versions (in color, white and b&w);
- Font type provided by MUR;
- MUR guidelines for communication and dissemination;
- Templates for the main communication actions.
- Mailing lists are currently being used to progressively update RESTART community members on initiatives and internal organization.
- Social networks accounts (Twitter, LinkedIn) have been created, are growing and are constantly being updated with content, with more than 50 posts already published;
- A RESTART Foundation YouTube channel has been created to facilitate video stream and embedding of videos on RESTART website;
- A web and social media campaign has promoted RESTART Grand Challenges from the point of view and through the voices of RESTART young researchers:
- a dedicated web page has been created on RESTART website;
- 19 videos have been published on RESTART website and YouTube channel;
- A social media campaign (LinkedIn, Twitter) has started and is currently ongoing to promote RESTART Projects with 2 posts per week;
- Over 70 social media posts have been published on LinkedIn since the beginning of Year 2.
- The growth of followers on LinkedIn is perfectly in line with the expected target for M24 (total followers ≥ 2.000): in period M13-M18 followers increased by 503 to a total of 1.505.
- RESTART has held 2 Plenary Meetings (July 2023 and January 2024);
- RESTART Structural and Focused Projects have held meetings either online or in-person;
- Mission 7 team is supporting the RESTART Plenary Dissemination Workshop to be held in Catania on July 4th - 5th through the following activities:
- A communication kit for the event is in progress;
- News and posts are promoting the event on RESTART channels.
- During 5G&Co – Everything is connected, the event organized by CNIT on April 16th and 17th, RESTART co-organized the session “5G&Beyond”. Mission 7 promoted the event through media channels (website and social) and collected two video-interviews that have been published on RESTART website and social media.
- RESTART Mission 7 team supported CNIT/WiLab in the organization/communication of the RESTART Plenary Dissemination Workshop held in Bologna on January 30th-31st, 2024:
- Two press releases were issued;
- A communication kit for the event;
- 4 short video-interviews were recorded and published.
- A procedure to facilitate internal communication with new partners coming from RESTART cascade calls was implemented, with specific mailing lists created.
- Mission 7 Communication Team is growing, and new resources joined the team and are now supporting the production of communication initiatives (social, web etc.) as well as monitoring the partners’ contributions.
- RESTART is currently working on Grand Challenges, led by Professor Antonio Capone, with titles and descriptions already provided.
- Cascade Calls have been promoted through RESTART website and social media with dedicated pages, news and posts.
To report complete data relating to communication, standardization and open-source solutions, it is necessary to fill in the appropriate form in the private area of the site. For problems relating to access to the private page, please contact: segreteria@fondazione-restart.it
Communication & Dissemination
Open-Source Solutions