MISSION 5 – Education and Training Activities

The scope of the Mission on Education&Training is to produce a new generation of telecommunications engineers able to tackle with the fourth industrial revolution.

The Mission has three macro-objectives:

  1. to increase the number of students enrolled in STEM, and in particular Telecommunication studies;
  2. to foster the development of transversal competences;
  3. to facilitate the integration between academia and industry via training initiatives;

The Mission Education&Training has developed a program made of fifteen activities; some of them will produce outcomes by the end of 2023, some later. All activities have started during 2023. Among them, the most relevant include:
  • the development of a document mapping all roles of the telecommunication engineer and the required hard / soft skills;
  • the connection to institutional entities like ASSTEL, GTTI, SIEm;
  • the identification of plans to cooperate with high schools at National level;
  • the development of a set of National activities intended to divulge the scope of Telecommunications;
  • the creation of a catalogue of training initiatives on soft skills for professionals, researchers and professors;
  • the creation of a catalogue of training initiatives for re- and up-skilling of professionals.

As part of the Education & Training Mission, specifically with the goal of incentive toward the acquisition of soft skills, RESTART has prepared a catalog of training modules (of a few hours each) offered by experts and training professionals on soft skills. The catalog includes information on the duration, mode and language of the module, a short bio of the instructor, and a description of the content. These training modules can be incorporated into larger initiatives (e.g., Higher Education Courses) or taken individually. Dates for delivery should be arranged with the lecturer. The expected cost is also indicated. In case you intend to take advantage of modules in the catalog, you are invited to contact Dr. Camilla Broggini (camilla.broggini at unibo.it)