RESTART is composed of seven missions.



MISSION 1 – Research

Research activities are organised according to a definite overall structure and well-identified general aims, by envisaging 32 research projects divided in 14 Structural projects and 18 Focused projects.

MISSION 2 – Laboratories, Proofs of Concept and Demonstrators

One of the objectives of RESTART is to enlarge existing laboratories and creating new, shared, ones. The final ambition is the creation of an Italian ecosystem of telecommunications laboratories and testing facilities where industrial and academic research can have a shared playground able to stimulate fruitful collaboration and cross-fertilization at different TRLs (Technology Readiness Level).

MISSION 3 – Innovation and Technology Transfer

The society and industry of the future will be characterised by increasingly advanced and challenging environments and technologies, in which telecommunications networks will form the backbone of communication and information society, enabling a connection of high quality and stability in any place and at any time. In this scenario, innovation is essential.
RESTART has the ambition not only to stimulate the medium-low TRL research in telecommunications, but also to increase the TRL of results generated so as to transfer research results into innovation exploited in new products and solutions.

MISSION 4 – Support to Start-ups and Spin-offs

The transformation of the network infrastructures with a progressive shift towards solutions based on software running on general purpose hardware, together with the extreme specialization of the market of technology solutions, is lowering the barriers for start-up companies that focus on specific components or services without the need to propose complete systems. RESTART intends to strongly stimulate the opportunity to create new entrepreneurial initiatives by operating in three major directions:

  • Provide cultural and educational instruments
  • Issue program specific calls for research oriented to start-up creation
  • Offer specific support for the development of proof-of-concepts from initial ideas

MISSION 5 – Education and Training Activities

RESTART will pursue three main following interrelated objectives:

  • increase the number of students in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering e Mathematics) and more specifically in telecommunications engineering and incentivize the access to P.h.D. programs
  • foster the development of entrepreneur, transversal, and soft skills
  • strengthen the linkage between ICT universities and industry to support the up-skilling and re-skilling process of students and employees.

MISSION 6 – PhD programs

Young talents will play a key role during RESTART and, even more importantly, to sustain novel approaches to public/private research partnerships in the long term. To do so, an innovative approach to how PhD programs and schools are managed will be required.
Extensive recruitment, broader research areas, nation-wide cross-fertilization and innovation and product-oriented research training are the main actions of RESTART project.

MISSION 7 – Communication, Standardization and Open-Source Solutions

One of the primary objectives of RESTART is to ensure that the project’s scientific and technical achievements along with experimental findings will be diffused among and exploited by the international scientific community. RESTART will publish and contribute to peer‐reviewed publications in top refereed scientific journals and conferences capitalizing the experience from research partners. Blog posts, position papers, white papers, citizen factsheets, podcasts and other non-scientific publications will be also released.