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MoVeOver addresses one of the most challenging use cases for cooperative connected and automated vehicles (CCAVs), which is the management of road intersections towards a long-term horizon where cars will move without a stop at the intersections. The objective of the project is to design and validate coordination protocols, exploiting wireless communications and taking into account the possible presence of non-connected objects. The activity will include the implementation of a Proof of Concept.

MoVeOver is part of Spoke 5 – Industrial and Digital Transition Networks

Project PI: Alessandro Bazzi

The first part of the project was dedicated to the study of the latest proposals for intersection management, to an in-depth investigation of the relevant ETSI standards, and to the analysis of the most recent wireless communication technologies for V2X, with specific activities focusing on the creation of datasets of synthetic sensor data traces, on the investigation and early implementation of the vulnerable road user awareness (VA) and cooperative perception (CP) services, and on the study of relevant features of the recent wireless technologies.

While some of the listed activities continued, the partners started concentrating the attention to the specific scenarios to be addressed and the algorithm to be developed, obtaining early results under simplified assumptions.

In parallel, initial discussions were carried out towards the definition of a common platform for the validation of the designed solutions.

The partners have also participated to standardization activities on V2X, with particular reference to ETSI and the Car2Car-CC.
Main outcomes:
• Review of the literature on coordinated manoeuvres and intersection management; • Review of the wireless technologies for connected vehicles. • Initial definition of the requirements for the intersection management algorithm

Side outcomes:
• Dataset extension of sensory data from simulated intersection scenarios for possible training set for autonomous and cooperative driving algorithms; • Simulation of scenarios with pedestrians and vehicles exchanging ETSI compliant messages; • New algorithm for the setting of the number of retransmissions in IEEE 802.11bd (WiFi solution for direct communications in connected vehicles); • Simulations of specific features of 5G NR-V2X sidelink (cellular solution for direct communications in connected vehicles) and of co-channel coexistence of the cellular and WiFi based solutions.

L. Farina, M. Rapelli, B. M. Masini, C. Casetti, A. Bazzi, “Maneuver Coordination Using V2I to Improve Traffic Efficiency at Intersections”, IEEE VNC 2024, Kobe, Japan, May 2024. 

A. Genovese, M. Rapelli, F. Raviglione, C. Casetti “ETSI-Compliant Protection of Connected Vulnerable Road Users: Simulation and Field Trial,” IEEE VNC 2024, Kobe, Japan, May 2024. 

W. Zhuofei, S. Bartoletti, V. Martinez, and A. Bazzi, "Adaptive Repetition Strategies in IEEE 802.11bd V2X Networks," in IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 2023, doi: 10.1109/TVT.2023.3241865.
Wind3 as industrial partner of the project is addressing innovative challenges to drive the future reliance of digital infrastructures.

The autonomous vehicle and intelligent transportation will be part of the next generation of the smart-city where the telco infrastructure is the pivot of the services. Resilience, security, flexibility and efficiency are the main challenges. In this scenario, WindTre is contributing to the project sharing the industrial view and defining the scenario and the main output metrics to be observed. Wind3 will also contribute to the PoC implementation and testing phase, which will be addressed in the last part of the project.
• Expected: at least 9 papers submitted in 36 months
• Accomplished: 3 papers (2 journal papers, 1 conference paper)
• Readiness: 33%

Joint publications
• Expected: at least 3 papers including the cooperation between at least two Restart partners
• Accomplished: 2 of the 3 papers
• Readiness: 67%

Talks/Dissemination events
• Expected: at least 9 speeches in international events in 36 months
• Accomplished: speeches related to MoVeOver in 7 events (2 tutorial, 2 lecture in PhD schools, 3 in other international speeches)
• Readiness: 78%

• Expected: at least a Hardware-in-the-Loop implementation
• Accomplished: the PoC will be designed and implemented in the second half of the Project, but discussions and activities for the acquisition of the needed hardware have already started
• Readiness: 0%
Milestone 1, June 2023: Report on «SoA on coordinated maneuvre» - Accomplished
Milestone 2, December 2023: Report on «Use cases, requirements, available wireless technologies» - Accomplished
Milestone 3, June 2024: Report on «Studies on wireless technologies for coordinate maneuvre» - Expected
Milestone 4, December 2024: Report on «Initial report on algorithms and PoC design» - Expected
Milestone 5, September 2025: Report on «Advanced report on algorithms and PoC design» - Expected
Milestone 6, December 2025: Report on «PoC» and Software of the PoC and PoC – Expected

• Expected: 6
• Accomplished: 2
• Readiness: 33%

Researchers involved: 71 (over the three years)

Collaboration proposals:
The project is looking for young researchers interested in contributing to MoVeOver activities (cooperative protocols for intersection management, V2X technologies, validation of connected cars with in-the-loop hardware implementation).

For any proposal of collaboration within the project please contact the project PI.