In a 6G-oriented scenario, where space network entities cooperate with terrestrial networks, the main goals of ITA NTN are:

  • Design of a 3D multi-layered communication architecture for integrated terrestrial/non-terrestrial networks;
  • Evaluation of the link budget of free-space, optical, and radiofrequency communication links;
  • Design of advanced transmission techniques;
  • Innovative methodologies for the orchestration of communication and computational resources;
  • Performance evaluation in some reference use cases through computer simulations and PoCs.

ITA NTN is parte of Spoke 2 – Integration of Networks and Services 

From the scientific perspective, ITA-NTN project carried out the following main activities:
  • analysis of the state of the art and preliminary definition of integrated terrestrial and non-terrestrial network architectures with use cases and requirements;
  • design of free-space optical links for the link budget analysis;
  • research activities related to satellite communications optimization and preliminary investigation of orchestration strategies;
  • study of HW and SW platforms for emulation and simulation tests to realize Spoke 2 Laboratory.
Regarding the dissemination initiatives carried out by ITA-NTN, it is worth mentioning the successful organization of the ITA NTN workshop, co-located with the European Wireless 2023 conference.
  • Scientific: ITA NTN's research aims at a robust scientific and technological impact by integrating terrestrial and non-terrestrial networks, ensuring seamless connectivity, network resilience, and higher throughput. Potential outcomes include new satellite communication standards, integrated access, and backhauling advancements, as well as innovative access techniques and optimization techniques based on the Artificial Intelligence. ITA NTN will help pursue scientific excellence in Italy and Europe by disseminating scientific results through academic venues, such as international and high-impact journals.
  • Industrial/Exploitable: The integrated network system bridges the digital divide, offering enhanced connectivity in underserved areas and bolstering backhaul capacity where terrestrial networks have limitations. ITA NTN aligns with the European Digital Strategy, striving to make Europe the most connected continent by 2030. This will provide tangible solutions for societal well-being and economic growth.
ITA-NTN project has undertaken a multi-faceted approach encompassing scientific and industrial aspects to advance integrated terrestrial and non-terrestrial networks. Thanks to architectural analysis, optical link design, and Artificial Intelligence-based optimizations, it will be possible to ensure seamless connectivity and enhance network resilience. The project achievements will be new standards, improved access, and bridging the digital divide. Impact aligns with Europe's digital strategy.
  • Publications
    Expected: at least 60 in 36 months
    Accomplished: 34
    Readiness Level: 55%
  • Joint Publications
    Expected: around 18 in 36 months (i.e., 30% of the total Publications)
    Accomplished: 4
    Readiness Level: 22%
  • Talks/Dissemination events
    Expected: around 20 in 36 months
    Accomplished: 12
    Readiness Level: 55%
  • Demo/PoC
    Expected: 3 demos
    Accomplished: 0 (in the startup phase)
    Most of the prototypes, demonstrations, and tests will be conducted at the Spoke 2 laboratory namely "Experimental lab of integrated terrestrial and non-terrestrial networks and services" (iTNT-NS), which is currently under construction with specific hardware devices and software tools.
    Readiness Level: around 20%
  • Project Meetings
    Expected: 1 telematic meeting for each WP in any Quarter, 2 ITA-NTN Progress Plenary meeting per year
    Accomplished: 14 (1 ITA-NTN Progress Plenary meeting, regular meetings for each WP)
    Readiness Level: around 35%
  • Patents/Innovations
    Expected: possibly 1 patent, also in collaboration with other projects, if there will be the possibility in the future
    Accomplished: 0
    Readiness Level: -
  • Open source contributions
    Expected: Open source simulator and ns3 modules
    Accomplished: around 20% of Expected
    IoD_Sim is an open source and system-level simulator for the IoD (Internet of Drones). Developed on top of the well-known ns-3 (Network Simulator 3), it implements the key networking elements (drones, network access points, and Zone Service Provider), a standard-compliant communication stack based on the IEEE 802.11 technology, and scenarios with various mobility models.
    Readiness Level: 20%
  • Standardization contributions:
    Expected: 3 participations at the Standardization Organization Meetings, Collaboration with the standardization organizations, Possible writing of white papers
    Accomplished: 1 participation at the Standardization Organization Meeting ITU
    -ITU World Radiocommunication Conference 2023 (WRC-23) (3 FUB persons took part)
    Readiness Level: around 33%
  • MS1 - Final definition of project vision and WP activities (WP2)
    Due date: M6
    Means of verification: Release of D2.1, first full report
    Readiness level: 100%
  • MS2 - Preliminary definition of use cases, requirements and ITA NTN architecture (WP2)
    Due date: M10
    Means of verification: Release of D2.2
    Readiness level: 100%
  • MS3 - Preliminary technical discussion on advanced transmission techniques (WP3)
    Due date: M12
    Means of verification: Release of D3.1
    Readiness level: 100%
  • MS4 - Preliminary technical discussion on T/NT network management (WP4)
    Due date: M15
    Means of verification: Release of D4.1
    Readiness level: 100%
  • MS5 - Definition of Testing Guidelines and KPIs (WP5)
    Due date: M18
    Means of verification: Release of D5.1
    Readiness level: 70%
  • MS6 - Final definition of use cases, requirements and ITA NTN architecture (WP2)
    Due date: M27
    Means of verification: Release of D2.3
    Readiness level: 25%
  • MS7 - Final definition of technical solutions and methodologies (WP3, WP4)
    Due date: M34
    Means of verification: Release of D3.3, D4.3
    Readiness level: 25%
  • MS8 - Demonstrations, Assessment Results, and Impact creation (WP5, WP6)
    Due date: M36
    Means of verification: Release of D5.3, D6.2
    Readiness level: 25%

Collaboration proposals: 

ITA-NTN fosters possible collaborations across a spectrum of cutting-edge technological areas, reflecting the diverse and complementary nature of ITA NTN’s interactions with these projects.

This includes:

  • mm-wave systems
  • THz and sub-THz communications
  • AI-driven strategies
  • 3D architecture
  • V2X and drone solutions
  • higher-frequency data connections
  • 6G mobile communication
  • satellite networks
  • network digital twins
  • integrated access
  • backhaul
  • intelligent services.

For any proposal of collaboration within the project please contact  fmatera at