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The main goal of TeleSmEg is to develop the technological control room for the smart-grid at country level optimizing the energy management process by appropriately activating all the systems necessary for smart-grid with law latency.
In addition to this, the project aims to:

  1. Identify application scenarios and requirements for management at the national level of smart energy grid integrated with energy communities and storage.
  2. Design a technological, reliable, safe solution that, , optimizes the management of the smart energy grid within low latency;
  3. Implement a PoC to test and validate the solution on field.

TeleSmEg is part of Spoke 5 – Industrial and Digital Transition Networks

Project PI: Fabrizio Brasca

The project is organized in four WPs:
  • WP1 for coordination and cascade calls,
  • WP2 for the functional and architecture aspects,
  • WP3 for the development of the proof-of-concept (PoC),
  • WP4 concerning the impact and dissemination.
The first part of the project (M1-M6) has been mainly dedicated to use-cases definition and architecture design, in particular on how to introduce energy-communities and storage in a sophisticated scenario.

In parallel, initial discussions were carried out about potential partners who can help the project from the utilities point of view. These activities have intensified in the second part of year one (M7-M12) and will bring in the coming months to an open presentation of TeleSmEg to the relevant stakeholders in the electrical market.

Specific activities during the period were carried out, also, to identify the different level of architecture and data integration within the smart grid.
The main output of the project is the design and the validation of next generation of smart-grid management where the edge computing and the AI will improve the energy management optimizing the energy distribution and the energy saving storing in wide battery models. The edge computing define, time by time, the best option for the distribution and for the storage, integrated with the energy communities; TeleSmEg provides also best model for energy market defining, time by time, when customer could increase or decrease the energy consumption according with the smart-grid. As result, the energy consumption at county level will drastically decreases reducing the import of energy and the related cost.
The project is coordinated by Wind Tre and there is other 2 industrial partners (OpenFiber, HPE), so 75% of resources are provided by industrial partners. This means a strong focus into innovation in the real energy market.  The industrial partners of the project are addressing innovative challenges to drive the future reliance of digital infrastructures. The smart-energy will be part of the next generation of the smart-city where the telco infrastructure is the pivot of the services. Resilience, security, flexibility and efficiency are the main challenges. In this scenario, the industrial partners are contributing to the project coordinating and driving the innovation challenges.
The 13th of October the round table “The world of energy meets TeleSmEg” took place at Open Fiber headquarter in Rome. The main topic discussed during the workshop concerned the involvement of all the energy stakeholders (utilities, energy-communities, technology providers etc).
  1. Press release/Publications
    • Expected: at least 3 publications on 36 months
    • Accomplished: 0
    • Readiness: 0%
  2. Talks/Communication events
    • Expected: 6 talks or event chairing/organizing within TeleSmeg activities on 36 months
    • Accomplished: 3 among dissemination events and conference presentations
    • Readiness: >100%
  3. Engagement of external partners
    • Expected: at least energy community, energy authority, energy operator, technical experts
    • Accomplished: energy authority and technical experts’ availability
    • Readiness: 100%
  4. Common prototype (minimum requirements)
    • Expected: identification for a common prototype integrated with energy communities, storage and energy provider
    • Accomplished: identification of minimum requirements
    • Readiness: 50%
  5. TeleSmeg contributions in other Restart Projects
    • Expected: sharing contribute of Telesmeg in 4 Restart projects
    • Accomplished: co-operation with 1 project
    • Readiness: 100%
  • Expected: 1
  • Accomplished: Milestone1 'Use cases and requirements definition' completed
  • Readiness level: 100%

Researchers involved: About 94 P/M in 36 months

Collaboration proposals
Skills in smart-grid, energy communities and storage are relevant for the project, as well as skills in the development and integration of edge computer and sensor technologies.

For any proposal of collaboration within the project please contact the project PI.

TeleSmEg news: